[creative renegades society.]
[creative renegades society.] is a creative platform, specialized in cultural engineering, an unconventional art, and a creative outlet that does not necessarily exist as a premises-based entity in a sole place.
[creative renegades society.]’s ambition is to contribute to the diffusion, and distribution of contemporary art and other creative formats through variable settings, media, temporary locations, etc.
[creative renegades society.] is focused on project-based collaborations with artists and other partners, curatorial actions and projects, social gatherings...
The core of [creative renegades society.] operations are geared around interactions between artists, a public of connoisseurs, professionals, and others.
With originality, wit, innovative knowledge [creative renegades society.]’s aim is to provide specific content to distinguish itself from existing references.
[creative renegades society.] projects are featured online and in situ according to available location and spaces.